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Sponsored Posts / Articles

All sponsored posts include a permanent do-follow link, with the post permanent on the website. All posts or articles (unless otherwise stated by yourselves) will not be marked “guest”, “paid for” or “sponsored”, it would simply be placed within the articles section within our website.

The topic needs to be either boxing, sports or casino/betting related. Content would need to be supplied via yourselves or your client and to include no more than 5 total links, whether that be internal or external links. More than 5 will incur a higher fee to be negotiated.


Guest post/article: £35 ($41) inc. taxes and can be paid via bank transfer or PayPal. Once payment is received, posting takes place same working day. Placement is in the ‘article’ section (static) or in the news-feed, whichever your preference. FIRST to be paid in advance.

 Link Insertions Into Existing Articles

Permanent do-follow links can be placed into our existing articles or posts on our website. Only condition is they can only be inserted into posts or articles written by and not client paid for articles or posts.

Cost: £25 ($30) per link with the FIRST to be paid in advance via bank transfer or PayPal. If you wish to add content to the post, then the charge is £35 ($41).

Sponsorship / Misc. Advertising

Want to be seen on the front page of a website that averages 8-12,000 fight fans everyday, contact us to see what we can do. As well as the above, your company banner with or without links can be placed at any area of the website whether it just be on the homepage or on every daily post.

Put forward your requirement and we will give you a quote (contact details below).

Summary / Terms and Conditions

1/ Posts/articles will not be marked “guest”, “paid for” or “sponsored” by ourselves. They will appear to have been written by

2/ Any/all links will be do-follow unless otherwise stated by yourselves.

3/ Any/all banner adverts on our website will be charged monthly at an agreed fixed fee.

4/ All posts/articles are permanent.

5/ Any/all articles must be boxing, sport, health, casino or betting related (there maybe some exceptions, email us to enquire).

6/ fees are non-negotiable.

7/ Payment by PayPal or bank transfer.

8/ All fess include appropriate tax.

9/ First article or link has to be paid in advance and will be live in most cases the same day or at the latest, the next working day.

To advertise with us or for more information, please email

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