Eimantas Stanionis Defeats Janer Gonzalez & Boxing Results From LA
Eimantas Stanionis KOs Janer Gonzalez
Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall in Los Angeles
Eimantas Stanionis (12-0, 9 KOs) W KO 9 Janer Gonzalez (19-4-1, 15 KOs)
Fight Notes: Gonzalez was down in round 2, round 8 and for the final time in the 9th round. Time of the stoppage was 0:45.
Eumir Marcial (1-0, 0 KO) W PTS 4 Andrew Whitfield (3-2, 2 KOs)
Fight Notes: Marcial, a member of the 2020 Philippines Olympian team, with this bout made his professional debut. Scores were 40-36 3x.
Fernando Molina (4-0, 2 KOs) W PTS 6 Teodoro Alonso (3-3, 0 KOs)
Fight Notes: Scores were 60-54, 60-54, 59-55.
José Perez (9-1-1, 4 KOs) W KO 4 José Edgardo Garcia (13-1-2, 9 KOs)
Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 0:39.
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