Florian Marku defeats Jorick Luisetto in Wembley – report & gallery
Florian Marku vs. Jorick Luisetto
SSE Arena, Wembley, England – 20 November 2021
Florian Marku extended his unbeaten record in front of thousands of his fellow Albanians, scoring a near shutout victory over Jorick Luisetto over eight rounds.
His partisan fans created a wall of noise as their man made his way to the ring and thereafter cheered his every move with equal gusto.
Starting in southpaw but switching at will, Marku showed versatility and craftiness, highlighted by a clever double uppercut series he landed more than once.
The game Luisetto had not come to London to roll over and seemed buoyed by the hostile reception from the crowd.
He gave Marku more problems than ‘The Albanian King’ had perhaps been expecting, but as the fight rolled on Marku was firmly in control and by the fifth he felt comfortable showboating.
A finish eluded the Albanian but not for lack of trying; he gave his fans what they had come to see and they will turn up in equal force to follow the next step of his journey when he returns to the BOXXER ring in 2022.
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