Nazarena Romero Defeats Julieta Cardozo & Full Boxing Results From Argentina
Nazarena “Capricho” Romero W TKO 2 Julieta “La Zorrita” Cardozo
Fight Results: Time of the stoppage was 1:38 of the 2nd round.
Jairo Rayman W KO 1 Sergio Jose Sanders
W Herrera W PTS 6 Dario Nestor Baigorria
Jose Alberto Arias W PTS 4 G Quiroga
Vicente Martin Perez W KO 3 Carlos Leonel Laciar
Alan Randazzo W PTS 4 William Cuevas
Promotion: Sampson Lewkowicz in association with Tello Box. Also with the support of the Agencia de Deportes de Córdoba, the Municipality of La Calera, and Agustino Cueros. From the the Club de Ajedrez in La Calera, Córdoba, Argentina and aired live on TyC Sports.
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