Ryoji Fukunaga Defeats Kenta Nakagawa & Boxing Results From Tokyo
Ryoji Fukunaga Defeats Kenta Nakagawa
Kadoebi Jewel Promotions
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Hard-punching Japanese southpaw
Ryoji Fukunaga (13-4, 13 KOs), 115 W TKO 10 Kenta Nakagawa (19-4-1, 12 KOs), 114.75
(OPBF, WBO Asia Pacific & Japanese Flyweight Titles)

Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 2:24 of the 10th round, a victory for southpaw Fukunaga. At the time of the stoppage, Fukunaga was leading on the judges scorecards by 87-83 x3. Bout was scheduled for 12 rounds.
Hiroki Okada (20-2, 13 KOs), 140 W PTS 8 Izuki Tomioka (7-4-1, 2 KOs), 139
Fight Notes: Judges scores were 77-75 x3.
Matcha Nakagawa W PTS 8 Ryo Suwa
Mikio Sakai W PTS 8 Toshihiro Kai
Masahiro Suzuki W TKO 3 Takahiro Oda
Fight Notes: Bout scheduled for 6 rounds.
Kosuke Sato W TKO 1 Ryuki Taira
Fight Notes: Bout scheduled for 4 rounds.
Attendance: 742
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