Tyne, Tees and Wear Female Regional Squad get back to it
The Tyne, Tees and Wear region held its first female regional squad since the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic at the weekend, with 15 boxers and five coaches in attendance.
Held over a two-hour period at the Phil Thomas School of Boxing in Middlesbrough, the session was led by the squad’s Head Coach, Laura Sargeant.
Billingham, Redcar, Houghton and District, North Star, Marden, Phil Thomas, Natural Progression, Wearmouth, Plains Farm and Barnard Castle were the clubs represented.
“I was keen to get the squad back up and running after being away from it for such a long time and it was great to see everyone keen to get back to boxing,” said Sargeant, who is also England Boxing Club Support Officer for the region.
“Since restrictions have eased, everything is moving at 100 miles an hour. With club shows now allowed and the Championships looming, I was wary that there isn’t actually a lot of time to try and fit everything in, so I got this booked in early.
“I was really pleased with the turn out, with some of the boxers and coaches having previously never attended. It was just so lovely to see the girls again and be in that thriving environment with like-minded females.
“Feedback was fantastic with all boxers and coaches taking something away from the squad to help enhance their development.”
The next squad date is to be confirmed into the future and will be worked around Championships and shows in order to avoid clashes.
The Tyne, Tees and Wear region would also like to thank Phil Thomas for hosting the squad.
(Kristian von Sponneck)
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