Gonzalez vs. Dixon Day/Night Boxing Results From Philadelphia

Gonzalez vs. Dixon Day/Night Boxing Results From Philadelphia | Boxen247.com

Daniel Gonzalez vs. Evincii Dixon

Day/Night Doubleheader 24/4/21

2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Daniel Gonzalez W PTS UD 6 Evincii Dixon


Fight Notes: Scores were 60-54, 59-55 x2.

Brandon Chambers W TKO 3 Jonathan Gray


Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 1:20

Colby Madison W TKO 2 Antwaun Tubbs


Fight Notes: Bout scheduled for 6 rounds.

Josh Clark W PTS UD 4 Evan Harker


Fight Notes: Scores were 39-36 x3.

Jaqeem Hutcherson W PTS MD 4 Jeffrey Williams

(Super Bantamweight)

Fight Notes: Scores were 39-37 x3.

Ray Cuadrado W TKO 1 Alexis Chavarria


Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 0:45.

Christopher Brooker W TKO 2 Damion Hill


Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 1:41.

Victor Williams W TKO 1 Leonidas Fowlkes

(Junior Middleweight)

Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 0:50.

Dewayne Williams W TKO 2 Stephon Morris


Mike Lee W TKO 3 Roy McGill

(Super Lightweight)

Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 2:26.

Jahvel Joseph W PTS UD 4 Carl Murphy

(Super Middleweight)

Fight Notes: Scores were 40-36 x3.

Steve Moore W PTS UD 4 Phillip Davis


Fight Notes: Scores were 38-36 x2, 38-37.

John Leonardo W TKO 1 Willie Anderson


Fight Notes: Time of the stoppage was 0:14.

Nick Vitone MD 4 Matt Gaver


Fight Notes: Scores were 39-37 Vitone, 39-38 x2 making the bout a majority draw.

TV/Broadcast: Facebook Fight Night Live & Flo Sports.

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