Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr. Full Fight Information (Updated)
Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr.
November 28th, 2020.
Rules of the Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr. exhibition bout and updated fighters on the show. Viddal Riley has pulled out with Hasim Rahman Jr. now taking on Rashad Coulter.
8x 2-minute rounds,
12-ounce gloves.
Fight stopped on serious cuts.
Both fighters reportedly agreed on no knockouts.
WBC will remotely score the fight. Judges are Chad Dawson, Christy Martin and Vinny Pazienza.
Currently, Tyson is -200, Jones +160, but most online sports books have now taken the fight off the board.
Mike Tyson (50-6, 44 KO’s) vs Roy Jones Jr. (66-9, 47 KO’s) @ Heavyweight
(Exhibition/WBC Frontline Belt)
Jake Paul (1-0, 1 KO) vs Nate Robinson (0-0) @ Cruiserweight
Badou Jack (22-3-3, 13 KO’s) vs Blake McKernan (13-0, 6 KO’s) @ Light Heavyweight
Hasim Rahman Jr. (9-0, 4 KO’s) vs Rashad Coulter (1-0, 1 KO) @ Cruiserweight
Jamaine Ortiz (13-0, 7 KO’s) vs Sulaiman Segawa (13-2-1, 4 KO’s) @ Lightweight
Joe Cusumano (18-3, 16 KO’s) vs Gregory Corbin (15-3, 9 KO’s) @ Featherweight
Irvin Gonzalez (14-2, 11 KO’s) vs Edward Vazquez (8-0, 1 KO) @ Heavyweight
by Kris Anthony (krisanthonyboxing@gmail.com)
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